Movie Blogs that are geared towards Comedy Film Fans

Set yourself up for an exhilarating adventure through the world of film as we offer you a set of movie reviews that expose the surprising moments, explore deep into character development, and illuminate (click now to view information) the mesmerizing magic that keeps us coming to return for more.Compatible SitesKilljoy 2Leprechaun Pitches - Unmade

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Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones Movie Review

After the hype tornado of Episode I resulted in... episode I... Expectations were not quite as high for the sequel, and the studio was perhaps a little more careful with what did and did not make the cut this time around. With far less Jar Jar, and much more action (blog) we got Attack of the Clones and the beginning of the clone wars. However...

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Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

Back in 2015, I set a reward on Patreon to make a video where I bake cookies. It has been seven (blog) years, and I'm finally (blog post) gonna do (blog post) it!Source: Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies - Decker Shado More Videos

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Starship Troopers 3 Movie Review

The third and final live action Starship Troopers movie, Marauder sought to bring the series back from the dark, dark low budget hell of Hero of the Federation. How'd they do? Well.. they got 2 million more dollars and also went straight to DVD. However, they managed to prove why (blog post) a low budget and DVD release are no (blog post) excuse

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"The Shawshank Redemption," to my mind, is the best film ever made. It's a favorite of mine, but it never gets old. Because it's one film that I can both laugh and cry at once, it's one I love. Forrest Gump, another one of my favourite movies, has some truly memorable lines. This is something I could watch over-and-over without becoming bored.These

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